Sunday, July 23, 2006


I just wanted to let you all know I made it through Airborne, it was pretty cool in general. However, jumping was awesome. I can't even begin to describe it. I would have to put it at the top of my list of fun things I have done. Georgia sucks a lot though, it is way to hot down there. I mean last week on the drop zone it was like 110 degrees and like 100% humidity, but whatevere. No sense in complaining. I just don't think I have ever drank that much water and powerade and definitely never sweat so much. The training was good, just that in the Army it takes liek 3 hrs. to do something that should really take like 20 min. So there was a lot of sitting around. We had some weather and plane maintenance problems jump week so that slowed us down to. In case anyone is wondering or thinks so, it is nothing like skydiving. In my opinion this puts skydiving to shame. I mean you pay a ton of maney to go and they strap you to some person. Then you jump out and you just float onto the ground. I mean it is pretty easy to land because it takes so long to come down. Airborne on the other hand was free, some people even get paid to go. You jump out by yourself, so if your main don't open, well it is all on you to pull the reserve. You get to jump 5 times and one is a night jump. You actually learn a skill, because you need to know how to properly exit and land. Also you have jumped until you have jumped with several pounds of combat equipment. and had to jeteson it from 200 ft. Probably the coolest part is the sense of accomplishment, knowing you have actually done soemthing worth while, and walking away with a pair of airborne wings, that I will have the right to wear for the rest of my life. So I guess you could say it is a lot better. One other thing, is I made a lot fo really good friends and awesome people you can only meet in the Army. Overall it was great. I would recommend it to anyone. "Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door...... Jump right out and count to four.......If my main don't open wide, I've got a reserve by my side....... If that one should fail me to.......Look out below I'm a coming through." " The mighty Delta Rock is passing by"


At 12:53 PM, Blogger Stephen said...

so, did you count to four?


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