On Our Selfishness
Sir Thomas Moor once wote a book called Utopia. It described what he deemed to be th perfect society. Plato argued for the perfect government in his Republic, yet neither of these two planned or took into account the depravity of man himself as an individual. Man is by nature selfish, and we often take into acount only oursleves. It is not necessarily always our fault. We give into our impulses and allow our own emotions to control us. The reason I write this is because I have been often guilty of this and even recently I made this mistake. At the time I did not realize it. I acted on impulse and and what I was feeling at the time. I allowed myself to give way to human emotion, which can often be deceptive in many ways. It has its place, but it must never be allowed full control of our thoughts and actions. I do not need to say what it was I did, it is past now, but I write this in hopes that others amy learn form my mistake and maybe it will serve also as a reminder in the future for me. I guess it is one of my weeknesses. I was very humbly and catiously reminded by someone what i was doing, and it was put in perspective. Thank God for those who are willing to point things out, especially in that way. I tend also to not take criticism well, and my first instinct is to get defensive. I am working on listening, but it is never easy. I am so glad I still have a conscience, and how I hate the feeling of guilt, but I never want to lose it. I think guilt is the worst punishment I could ever recieve. It eats inside of me, and the feeling that what is done can not be changed is like a knife in the heart.God is faithful and he will sustain us and teach us what it is we need to do, even if that requires us learning from our mistakes, as in my case.
Just a note that the original "Utopia" stories were not necesarily calling for a change in governments, but were acknowledged to be impossible worlds. Even the name "Utopia" means "No Place". You probably knew that, but I just thought I'd drop that off.
Thanks I did, but i appreciate the thought.
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