Thursday, December 15, 2005

Happy Holiday Riding

I was recently told once again to write something happy, and I suppose that due to the morbid and depressing nature of my last thing, that I must bow down before this sense of reason. SO here it is. Last Sunday despite the frigide Vermont weather I had so much fun. We had our second annual CAV riding demo. I did my part in a four man riding drill with some of my rook buddies. We have been practicing for weeks and I was suprised at how well it went, and how the timing of all our moves seemed to be right on track. I would have to say that the most fun I had though was riding bareback and paying games that way. we did a kind of jousting. i am sure the few of us who did it looked ridiculous, but it was fen, especially since this was my firstr tiem riding bareback.
I have also had some interesting experiences with one particular horse as of late. which seem to me to be rather amusing. Her name is Stella, and I love to ride her and she has been excellent for me. Except for a few instances. First I was saddling her up and she kicked me. Interestingly enough I was standing on the side of her. I am usually very careful about walking behind a horse, i have seen how powerful their kick is. Well, as I was standing on her side, suddenly her backl leg came forward and kicked me in the upper leg. I was shocked, to be honest ididnt think a horse could do that. Then there was the biting incident. which is most amusing. While saddling her up again, she kept biting me, which is a little abnormal for her, and it really hurt. I have the bite marks to prove it. Well, come tofind out there is a reasonable explanation for her moodiness. Anyway, she is keeping me on my toes. Love you Stella!!!!!!


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Stephen said...

I still have trouble picturing you on a horse. I'll have to see it sometime.


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