Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shaving Cream Birthday

Yes, for anyone who didnt know today was my birthday. I was stupid enough to let it slip out here at Norwich, which is a big no no. Some bad things have been known to happen. At first I figured that it was no problem, people wished me happy birthday, and things were going pretty smooth. Then tonight around 9pm, I heard what sounded like a lot of people outside my new room. Before I could lock the door, they were upon me, and they began to try to tie me up and cover me with shaving cream. From there I was draggged kicking and screaming into the mens latrine, where they shaving cream continued. They eventually got me in the shower and I rinsed off, but not before I had wiped shaving cream on as many peope as I could reach. When the dust or shving cream had settled, it looked as though a hurrican had gone off in the mens bathreeom, and I looked like a giant marshmallow. I must say in a way I kind of really enjoyed it. It is one of the many fun joys of Norwich. Long live the Wick.


At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Joel! I was going to write or call today, but didn't get back home til late. But I thought about you a lot today. Glad that you seemed to have a good day.

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we hated you, we would have beaten you in the shower. If we didn't like you, we wouldn't have bothered. : )

And here are some pictures for all those interested. http://www.flickr.com/photos/78219852@N00/sets/1035835/


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