Whats with Hannaford Happiness
I went to work a 4 hour shift today at Hannaford, and was told that i would be training for the first 2 hours. I was like training for what? I hav ebeen doing the same job for soem time now, and it didnt seem to have changed any since I left for school. Atleast on the surface anyway. Well, I guess I was wrong. For the next hour and a half the person who was training me proceede to tell me all this stuff that seemed to me to be unimportant, or a little bit unneccesary. Either that or I had heard it before. I don't mean to discredit her. It is her job and she is very good at it. In fact I like working with her, but it still seems a little odd to me. They seem to obsess over everything. I suppose I should be careful, because I do work for them and they may read this. If by some strange chance you are, please dont get to upset. I like working for Hannaford, but I find some of there attempsts to make it a nice place to work and shop rather amusing. Just for insatnce one time the put up a thing that calculated how much money the store would gain if every bagger used one less bag per order. I mean doesnt that strike you as a bit obssesive. It was quite a large number, but nothing compared to what the store makes in a year. And the management wants us to be happy all the time and to try and sell produycts from the regiuster. Which I guess is ok, but seems a little weird to me. I'm not into the whole fake happiness thing. And I tend to find it annoying when other people are so bubbley that you can tell it is fake. So anyway while this women was training me I sat in a comfy chair for the whole thing. Much better than standing on my feet, and being crammed into the little cash register space. So I figure whatever. I do my job and I do it well. I work hard, and i figure that is what counts. It just seesm to me that my bosses are a little out of touch with the customer. I mean what customer wants to walk into the store and read a sign that says, " You are now entering a gimmick free zone". Seriously it isnt even funny. I make tthe best of it and try to laugh, because in its own sick way, you have to admit it is kind of funny.
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