Hannaford Here I Come
Yeah, so the job ssearch is over. After spending two weeks filling out applications, and here a countless nember of no's and sorry we aren't looking for anyone right now, I decided to return to Hannaford. Guess I will hav eto swallow my pride. I am not about to let it get m edown, althoguh I was rather discouraged the other day.After calling my last chance places and hearing no, I went to one last place only to find out that they had lost my application. Oh well, time to make lemonade as they say. I made up my mind that I can not be a cashier. So it looks like I will be working with fruit in the produce department of all places. Sounds kind of cool I guess. It is just the summer anyway, so I mean how bad could it possibly be. Well, there it for any of you who would care to comment on my prediciment.
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