Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shaving Cream Birthday

Yes, for anyone who didnt know today was my birthday. I was stupid enough to let it slip out here at Norwich, which is a big no no. Some bad things have been known to happen. At first I figured that it was no problem, people wished me happy birthday, and things were going pretty smooth. Then tonight around 9pm, I heard what sounded like a lot of people outside my new room. Before I could lock the door, they were upon me, and they began to try to tie me up and cover me with shaving cream. From there I was draggged kicking and screaming into the mens latrine, where they shaving cream continued. They eventually got me in the shower and I rinsed off, but not before I had wiped shaving cream on as many peope as I could reach. When the dust or shving cream had settled, it looked as though a hurrican had gone off in the mens bathreeom, and I looked like a giant marshmallow. I must say in a way I kind of really enjoyed it. It is one of the many fun joys of Norwich. Long live the Wick.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Time to Vent

It may not be the greatest idea to be writing a post, while I am livid with anger, but I just need to vent. Hance the title. I love being here at Norwich. Yeah last year was rough, but I am actually enjoying this year. Things seem to be going well, I am on the verge of contracting with the US Army. Soon my schooling will all be paid for. Part of this school is tradition. We all endure freshman year so that we can enjoy the priviledges we have earned as upperclassmen. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Corp of Cadets, it runs itself. Meaning we the students run the COC. We also have commandants, who act as our advisors. That is there job to advise us , not to command us. Last year I did CAV candidacy. When it was all over, which was the en dof the year, I earned my cross sabers. This is a great honor for me, and something I am very proud of, and yet I found out today thet may mean nothing. It is the right and priviledge of upperclassmen who have their cross sabers and the ability to ride, to ride in parades and demos. This year our company has a freshman who has bee riding since he was 3. One of the commandants is forcing us to let him ride in a parade. THis goes against everything that we satnd for in CAV. He has only been a recruit for 3 weeks, and he is a long ways away from being a cadet and defenitely from earning his cross sabers. Yet we are force to give him a place of honor and let him ride. I am close to turning in my sabers right this moment, because that says to me all I did last year means nothing. The anger and frustration of everyone in our company can not be expressed, but especially I myself am in a rage. I only stop here, for fear of what else I might write.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Norwich Forever and ever

I have been really busy as of let. I have been getting into the whole swing of tings here at Norwich. It is great to be an upperclassman, and I am actually liking it. I have been busy with my classes, jobs in the corps, and of course the Army. We had our big Labor Day parade on Monaday, and it went ok. I was a horse handler, and we had a copuple incidents. One guy even hit his head and got a minor concussion. So needless to say we have had better days. It is hard to believe I have only been here for a couple of weeks. It seems like longer, and I have alrewady gotten back into the swing of things. In case anyone is wondering I have yelled at freshman, but only when it is neccessary.