Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Big Trip is Coming

I am really excited, because my brother and I are in the process of planning a 3 day trip to Prince Edward Island. That is in Canada for any of you who might not have known.. Duh..... I am really looking forward to it. We had originally talked about going to New York City, btu somehow that got ruled out. This is fione with me. New York is nice, but I think it is really cool that we are going somewhere neither of us has ever been. Which for my brother is kind of suprising. He has obviously far out done me in travleing. I have always wanted to go to PEI, but never had the chance, so i am especially excited. We will also be camping, so that is cool. I think most of all it will give me a chance to spend time with my broither. I haven't seen him since March, and that was only for a few days. I am getting really excited. No work for 3 days and I get to see the Island. I have heard it is so beautiful, and the pictures I have seen seem to confirm that. I am sure I will take a lot of pictures one way or another, and I will defenitely try to post them. He gets home this weekend and we won't be going till the 7th, so now I guess I will have to be content plan.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


One of my good friends told me that my blog isn't happy enough. So here it is the ultimate expression of Happiness. I hope you like it. Sorry to sound so gloomy. I hope this will help, change the outlook of my blog.


and more

Here are some of the awesome pictures from the whitewater raftig trip. Enjoy

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Whitewater Rafting

Wow. I had the priviledge to go rafting. It was so much fun. I can't believe I have never tried it before. Of course today was not a good day dfor it. It rained and was cold all day. I was cheap and only baught the wet suit top. Probably not to smart, but I did ok. In fact I even went swimming, first time all year. We ddint do to bad, and only one person fell overboard, but what can I say you win some oyu lose some. HAHA!!!! Anyway, he is fine we pulled him back in. In fact he was across form me and we were right in the front of the raft. We went under and came up and he was gone. I came ever so close to falling in in some of the rough stuff. We had soem class 4 rapids, so that was really fun. I have to go again sometime. Overall I would have to say i am a little sore. They did take pictures and as soon as thgey post them online I will have to post some so you can all see me in my rafting glory or not. So thankyou to the wonderful peopel at Moxie Rafting who were are guides and to my friend Grace who was nice enought to plan the whole trip, which I am sure took a lot of effort on her part.

Monday, June 13, 2005

So I Spoke To Soon

This is just a quick update to my last post. I am not hourless anymore thanks to the produce department. The manager came to me today and gave me a bunch more hours, so you can imagine I was rather happy. I am now working about 37 hours. Which is a lot, but it sertves me right for complaining. I admit it is one of my faults. Oh well, maybe I will think twice before I open my mouth or type it out on a keyboard. Well, you know what i mean. Praise God from whom all blessing s flow. He takes care of even the small insignificant things.

Friday, June 10, 2005


I hate to keep puting up posts about work, but unfortunately this hasn't been my week. I am really enjoying the whole produce thing, but I wish they would just give me some more hours. I am only working one day next week. Of course then I went to check my schedule foir cashireing, thinking it would make upo for it. It didn't, in fact I wasn't even on the schedule. So once again, I was pretty upset. Come to find out they had basically just forgotten about me. So I am forced to pick up this weeks spare hours, which at the moment amounts to 10. Also I may get more, but that is based on people calling ing and stuff, so much for planning out my week. Why me????? I mean seriously, first I don't get a check, then I don't get any hours. I would like to say some very nesty things, but I will hold my tongue. It won't help any, and once again I realize that people make mistakes. Some more than others. So life at that wopnderful place we call Hannaford goes on. I have decided to try and pick up some extra work somewhere, because I am beginning to think it is impossible for me to work as much as I want, if I rely on them. Whatever maybe it will get better or something will come up.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Paycheck Please

Well, I went in to work today on my day off. Of course it was going to be worth it, because otday is payday. Yeah!!!!! I went to pick it up only to find that a paycheck for me did not exist. As you can imagine I was a little upset, worried , and amused all at the same time. Turns out that when I cam back to work last week they forgot to reinstate me into the system. So my paycheck never came. I mean I know that they try to save money wherever they can, but come on. I am pretty positive that this was not my fault either, because when I came back in December I didnt have to tell them, and I had never heard that before. Any way there is a lot to be said for human error. Everyone makes mistakes, and I'm not holding any grudges. This might be because of the fact that the store was good enough to loan me $100, until my check comes in. Overall, at the time it was happening I almost had a heart attack, and now I think it is rather annoyingly amusing, as are many of the things that seem to go on there.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Whats with Hannaford Happiness

I went to work a 4 hour shift today at Hannaford, and was told that i would be training for the first 2 hours. I was like training for what? I hav ebeen doing the same job for soem time now, and it didnt seem to have changed any since I left for school. Atleast on the surface anyway. Well, I guess I was wrong. For the next hour and a half the person who was training me proceede to tell me all this stuff that seemed to me to be unimportant, or a little bit unneccesary. Either that or I had heard it before. I don't mean to discredit her. It is her job and she is very good at it. In fact I like working with her, but it still seems a little odd to me. They seem to obsess over everything. I suppose I should be careful, because I do work for them and they may read this. If by some strange chance you are, please dont get to upset. I like working for Hannaford, but I find some of there attempsts to make it a nice place to work and shop rather amusing. Just for insatnce one time the put up a thing that calculated how much money the store would gain if every bagger used one less bag per order. I mean doesnt that strike you as a bit obssesive. It was quite a large number, but nothing compared to what the store makes in a year. And the management wants us to be happy all the time and to try and sell produycts from the regiuster. Which I guess is ok, but seems a little weird to me. I'm not into the whole fake happiness thing. And I tend to find it annoying when other people are so bubbley that you can tell it is fake. So anyway while this women was training me I sat in a comfy chair for the whole thing. Much better than standing on my feet, and being crammed into the little cash register space. So I figure whatever. I do my job and I do it well. I work hard, and i figure that is what counts. It just seesm to me that my bosses are a little out of touch with the customer. I mean what customer wants to walk into the store and read a sign that says, " You are now entering a gimmick free zone". Seriously it isnt even funny. I make tthe best of it and try to laugh, because in its own sick way, you have to admit it is kind of funny.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


I just wanted to write a quick post for my two good friends who graduated this year. Aaron and Elliott, you are both great guys, and I hope all goes well for you. I enjoyed your graduation immensly. I must say I laughed really har dat Aaron's speech. I have heard that story many times, but I confess never quite the way you told it. You guys have worked long and hard, and you deserve it. I can't believe it has a been a year since I graduated. Maybe I really am getting old. No way, I am still young, for now anyway. So anyway here is to you both of you, you deserve it.