Sunday, May 29, 2005

Memorial Day

Normally my own view of this holiday is a fun day. I will always remember it growing up as the day we have our big church picnic. Of course we are still doing that this year(provided it doesn't rain), but I have come to see memorial day as being much more than that. I am somewhat familiar with my own family's history with the military, and I would be tempted to brag if I really had something at all to do with it. I dedicate this post to them. I don't know if I had relitives in the American Revolution on either side, but I am sure of the Civil War. On my both sides of my family, I have relatives who fought. They are all Union to my knowledge and include Cavalry, Infantry, and a POW who escaped from a prison camp. As far as I know all survived. I would like to mention a few other notable people who have passed on. One was my great uncle who was a TM3 on a sub in WWII. Unfortunately the sub went down and all hands were lost. Another is someone who was very clkose to me my grandfathjer on my mom's side. He was a sergeant in WWII, who served in the Phillipines. He was good enough to have saved a lot of stuff and because of this I have learned so much about him. Sadly he died a few years ago. My salute to all who served, especially in my family, and especially to all who are gone from us now.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Hannaford Here I Come

Yeah, so the job ssearch is over. After spending two weeks filling out applications, and here a countless nember of no's and sorry we aren't looking for anyone right now, I decided to return to Hannaford. Guess I will hav eto swallow my pride. I am not about to let it get m edown, althoguh I was rather discouraged the other day.After calling my last chance places and hearing no, I went to one last place only to find out that they had lost my application. Oh well, time to make lemonade as they say. I made up my mind that I can not be a cashier. So it looks like I will be working with fruit in the produce department of all places. Sounds kind of cool I guess. It is just the summer anyway, so I mean how bad could it possibly be. Well, there it for any of you who would care to comment on my prediciment.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

PLease Protest Jane Fonda

I am of the opinion that America is about to witness a great atrocity, and I am making a cry of help to anyone who may read this blog. I am of course to young to rmember the Vietnam era, but I have heard enough in my own research to be sickened by the thought that Jane Fonda will be rmembered as one of the 100 greatest women of the 20th century. She is responsible for the deaths of several American soldiers held prisoner during the Vietnam war. I was made aware of these stories by an e-mail forwarded to me by a friend recently. It recounts the stories of 3 different Americans that were held in Ho Lo Prison nicknmaed the "Hanoia Hilton". Jane Fonda came in to interview these men, and instead of helping them caused them to be beaten, starved, tortured, and even put to death. One of the stories is of men who thought she would help them. So these men put their SSN's on little scraps of papers, and when she shook their hands she took each one. When she was done, she walked to the director of the prison and handed them to him. As a result the men were beaten and several died . Thankfully some of these men have lived to tell their stories. How can it be that such a traitor is being honored. There is truly nothing great about Jane Fonda, and I am ashamed of the people who would call her so. Some day I will be serving my country so this is especially close to my heart. Please pass along what you have read to everyone. Let the world know that this woman deserves no honor in any form. I am doing my part. I hav epassed along the e-mail to all I know, and have written this post. Please do your part.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

For anyone who may be wondering what I have been up to at school and more what I wil be up to next year. Here is a little taste. This year I did more preliminary stuff, but next year I will be spending a little more time working with the horses and hopefully doing what my upperclassman are doing in this picture. Maybe this will satisfy a little bit of the curiousity of any and all who were wondering.Oh yeah, I don't go to Maine Maritime Academy. Maybe I should, because I lost count of how many times I have been asked this. I go to Norwich University in Vermont.

Yes or No Vote

I am not one who normally talks a lot about politics, but I feel that this is imporatnt enough to mention. Our good republican senators have been fighting the democrats in the senate over the issue of fillibusters. For those of oyu no tup on the political jargon, a fillibuster is when one party doesn't get their way and they no the vote won't go their way they basically clog the senate with useless and sometimes rediculous conversation. President Bush has been trying to get some good conservative judges into higher courts. This would easily be possible with a republican majority in the senate. However, the democrats have been abusing the fillibuster by using to block the vote on every nominee so far. They tried to bring an end to this by trying to get a vote to end the fillibusters by democrats. This unfortunately did not happen because seven republican senators including both Maine senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins decided to compromise. They have made an agreement that the fillibuster will only be used when it is deemed absolutely neccesary. The only problem is that it has been left to the democratic party to decide when this is the case. With nitwits like Howrd Dean in control of the Democratic Party I am sure that this will be the case most of the time. So to sum it all up I am extremely ashamed of my own senators. You have lost what little respect I had for you, and you do not deserve to call yourselves republicans. What is this country coming to, when the lesser party has more control than the one chosen by the majority of the people. Feel free to express your outrage it will only make me feel better.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Job Search

Well, everything seems to be working great with my blog. I am in a desperate search for a new job. I have been busy all week filling out application. My real dream is to do real work, not just to return to Hannaford. They are good people, but I no longer choose to lose my summer behind a cash register with cranky customers. I am confident that eventually something will show up. Until then I will just wait patiently. I am at the present accepting any and all advice or job offers.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

This is new to me

I am not a blogger by any means and setting this up may prove to be a challenge for myself, but here it is, my very own blog. So enjoy. I will try to post some more later on.