Simple yet Complex
Just some random and sometimes strange thoughts
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
The soldier stood and faced God,Which must always come to pass.He hoped his shoes were shining,Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, you soldier,How shall I deal with you ?Have you always turned the other cheek ?To My Church have you been true?"
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,"No, Lord, I guess I ain't.Because those of us who carry guns,Can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,And at times my talk was tough.And sometimes I've been violent,Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny,That wasn't mine to keep...Though I worked a lot of overtime,When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,Though at times I shook with fear.And sometimes, God, forgive me,I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place,Among the people here.They never wanted me around,Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,It needn't be so grand.I never expected or had too much,But if you don't, I'll understand.
There was a silence all around the throne,Where the saints had often trod.As the soldier waited quietly,For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, you soldier,You've borne your burdens well.Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,You've done your time in Hell."
Friday, September 08, 2006
Oh Yeah... He's Getting Canned
Hey I had to share my excitement at this fact. well, if you are in the Army or even in a civilian job you know how there are always those people, who you wonder how they ever made it at all. Well training to be an officer, I have seen so many people that down right scare me. teh type of peoepl that are so messed up that when you look at them and listen to themyou are jsut like.... God help us if they shoudl ever become an officer in the military. Well, there is this guy who goes to Norwich, and whether he knows it or not he is known all over campus as being a perpetual liar. I mean he has said some pretty rediculous and unbelieevable stuff I guess. Well, anyway, he came back this summer wearing on his uniform a set of airborne wings and air assault wings. My first thiough was liek no way!!!!! There is no way he has been to both and i doubted even one. it used to upset me as I walked by him and saw him wearing them. The other day i found out he is getting honor boarded for it, come to find out he really didn't go to either. Even funnier, the kid didn't even kniow what he was talking about. I guess he told some one that Air Assault was liek 8 days when it is more like 12 anbd that airborne is 2 weeks, when it is really 3 and a half. What a LOSER!!!!!!! So now he is getting canned, or we can only hope so, both by the Army and the Corp of Cadets. Justice will be sweet. DOn't ever lie and especially don't claim honrs you have not earned. What a disgrace!!!!!