Why Are People Catagorical?
I am beginning to feel a distinct amount of frustration over a certain issue. Why is the people insist on putting everything in a category? This has begun to especially puzzle an frustrate me on areligious level and on a personal conduct level( how we live our lives). Why is it that we must all seclude ourselves ina different denomination. I must tell people that I am Baptist because that is all they will understand. I can nto explain to them that not all people who claim to be "Baptist" are the same. The same goes for Catholics. Notall Catholics believe the same way. In fact there are probably people out there who call themselves Catholic who share almost the same if not the same beliefs as me who call myself a Baptist. Yet each of us it bound by the judgemental and restraining aspects of being placed in a category. What has been frustrating me lately most is on a conduct level though. It sometimes seems to me that peoepl have this set list of things they think are wrong, but when it comes down to it they don't know why they are wrong. There is no scripture verse or law of man that deems them to be wrong, they are not deemed unacceptable to our human society, but yet they are deemed as wrong. They are wrong, because when the person was young their parents would not allow them to do it or because" it has always been that way. And they are small things, insignificant things that people must turn into a big deal. I used to kind of think this way. Oh it is wrong or a bad thing, because I had trained my mind to think it was. Here is an example, I recently recieved my dog tags from the Army and I choiose to wear them all the time. I wear it under my shirt and it looks liek a necklace to most people. Some people I know would be like" oh you are wearing a necklace, your faith in God must be slipping"This is rediculous. Even if it was a necklace why is it wrong to wear it? I have not seena good reason, and yet it is interesting that some people I know seem to be staring at it or making comments about it. I do not proclaim to them that it is really military issue dog tags, because I find these re-actions amusing in many ways. Personally I don't like jewelry, because I associate it with being feminine, but that is the only reason I don't wear it. There is no religious or Biblical reason. What bothers me so much is the fact that if Christians are looking down their noses at every one or appear to be atlest, how can they relate to a scoiety that they are trying to reach? They can't !!!!! I do not intend to change my morals or my doctrine, most certainly not. But I realized, that I need to look at all things from a Biblical point of view, and not froma traditionalist view, a view of " that is the way it has always been. I respect what I have been taught growing up, by my various teachers and Pastor, adn especially my parents. But once oyu are an adult, you need to be able to think for yourself, to know what is right and wrong, and in my case this will be based soley on scripture and not upon the judgements of others. Liek I said it is the minor things that people make a big deal about. Somethings are soley up to your own personal convictions and you can not place those upon another person without scripture in atleast some convincing form. Why must we all be placed ina category by the people we live with, when all we want to do is live our lives in the best way we know how bound by our own convictions.