Thursday, January 12, 2006

Crying Shame

I was informed this morning about a situation that ahppened in Vermont, that I personally find very disturbing. It especially hits home, because Vermont is where I go to school, and in some ways i have come to liek this little underpopulated state. I man was recently put on trial. He has been convicted of molesting a girl for the past four years. The Judge sentenced him to two months. TWO MONTHS!!!!!! for a a herendous crime that stretches four years. When I think of the crime commited it turns my stomach and makes me red with anger. I feel pitty for the girl who has suffered so much, and will continue probably to suffer for the rest of her life. Supposedly according to Vermont law the verdict can not be changed. What is this woprld coming to when a man can rape, and then only recieve the required time for him to attend rehabilitation. This is not a liberal/conservative issue. We both have consciences, and we can all see that this is wrong. I choose to use my patriotic right and voice my opinion. I sent an e-mail to the governor of Vermont voicing my disaproval, and the hope that if nothing else happens this judge will be relieved of his duty. My words may come to nothing, but I have done all I can do. I hope all who read this will do the same. The address is listed below.