Friday, January 19, 2007

Back to the Grind

Hey everyone, I just figured I would leave a little post about what I have been up to I know I haven't really doen it in a while. Life has been treating me pretty good. I shouldn't complain, but I sometimes do it anyway. So my brother got married at the beginnign of December. It was good. I wish him and hsi wife Becky the most happiness. I had a wonderful Christmas break, I mean it could always be better, but whatever. It was agood time. I spemnt about half home in Maine and the other half here in Vermont. It was nice to spend time with my parents. I helped them by putting ina brand new kitchen floor, that was challenge. While I was home I got to hang out with my friend Aaron to. I guess the highlight was going hiking on the nicest january 4th I have ever seen in Maine, and heading up north to do soem hardcare ice fishing right before coming back to Norwich. The half I spent here in Vermont was really nice to. I spent it with my girlfriend and her family, who ar eliek my other family while I am at school we did a lot of fun things, and it gave me a chance to relax, which is just what i needed. So now I am back at Norwich and cramming mroe then ever before. Beside being a first 1st Sergeant in the Corp. I am now bumping my class load to 23 credits in a hope that i will be able to graduate early, and start seminary a semester early. This is the plan, but we will see if ti works. None the less, I am looking at a busy but rewarding semester. Classes are looking pretty good, and I am taking some that I find definitely very interesting. Well I guess that about covers it for no. Drop me a line if you want to know more.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ray and I at his wedding

Mt. Cadillac in Maine on January 4th UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What is with the Marriage Goal

So something I have been noticing that drives me up the wall and I just had to write about it, is what I liek to call the Life Goal of Marriage. Before I start I am surte I may offend a few people who read this so I will apologize ahead fo time if you get upset. What is with people who's only goal in life seems to be to get married. This is not restricted to one sex or the other, but I have seen it in both. It is a little different for each though. Marriage is an honorable thing, but it is not the only thing. I don't think some people even realize that it is their only goal, but it evidently consumes them. This is more true among people who have similar religious beliefs as me. It is strange behavior and upsetting to me. In guys it seems to manifest itself in an obssesive way. Some guys do not care about their eduaction, they do not care about having a real job, their only real future plans involve finding a wife. Sure they will bluff their way around it, broadcasting their big plans for their life, but a key sign is that they will never fallow through on their goals. They will never become anything more than they have always been. However, they will take the oppurtunity to hit on every pretty girl they know, hoping that they will be "the one" Their life becomes a cycle of trying to trap a girl in a serious relationship and then in marriage before they realize that the guys life is nothign, and that he has no goals, save "the marriage goal". It is all he truly wants and truly desires, and he seemingly does not care the effects it may have on the girl. Girls on the other hand I have noticed become obssesed with finding the perfect guy. Some girls have so much potential, yet all they want is marriage. What is even worse is that soem women go to college simply to look for a man. If they are unsuccesful, they become desperate. it is all they think about, talk about, and in extreme cases write poems and things about how they need to find the guy who loves them. I know as a guy to, that when this happens it becomes more scary to most guys than attractive and they are really lessining their chance to get married. If finding that guy or girl has been your life's goal then something is seriously wrong. I do nto claim to be perfect, but all this seems to be common sense to me. I want to live my life, and do things and advance myself. Sure I want to get married. It is something I definitely want in my future. When that day comes though, I want the woman I marry to be ready, and I want to know that I can support her. I want her to accomplish her goals, and not be my wife so she can cook for me clean for me and have my children. I mean come on, love is great, and so is marriage, but it is not everything, and not all God intended for both men and women.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas and etc.

I just thought I would give an update to everyone about whats been up, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas all at the same time. A lot has happened since Thanksgiving. I came back in early December to be the Best Man in my brothers wedding. It was a good itme. I am happy for him and his new wife Becky. I got to say congratulation and i hoep theat they will be happy together. It was a long interesting afair, that managed to happen right beofre finals week. Oh well, it all worked out ok, and everythign went well. The best part of the wedding for me was gettign to see some people it had been years since I had seen. People I love very much, friends and relatives, that distance, just prevents me from seeing. When I got back to school, it was a total cram for finals. I mean I wrote more papers in those last few weeks than I did all that semester. I managed to get everythign done though, but I am not sure how. I also spared a bunch of time to relax and spend time with peoplel I care about. So yeah, finally Merry Christmas everyone. It was a pretty good day for me, I was able to spend it at home with my parents. I am also looking forward to spending some time back vsisiting in VT as well. I love Christmas, it is such a wonderful time of year, unfortunately a lot of people have forgotten the real meaning behind it. Still, it is the one time of year where every seems to forget there differences and shwo soem kindness to others.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Hey everyone, I figured I would write somethign on Thanksgiving now that it has passed. I had an awdesome Turkey Day, and it was good. In fact I sort of celebrated Thanksgiving 3 times. It is ok, not that I really minded. I celebrated a few weeks ago while my brother was home at his finacees house, then I celebrtaed with my parents this past week, and finally I came back to vermont and had a lot fo left overs and dessert with my girlfriend and her family. So I guess that sort of counts as a third one. When my parents and I celebrated we did it on Wednesday, instead, because my mom had to work on Thanksgiving and I already made plans to head back that afternoon. It was all good, I ate so much food, and enjoyed every minute of it. It made running for PT a little bit harder than normal this morning, but it is all good.
I love this time of year, because I actualy sit down and have a chance to think of all the things I have to be thankful for. It makes life seem so much better and all the time I spend complaining seems so dumb in retrospect. I was thinking abput all the awesome things that I have happened to me in a years time. Things that this time last year I neevr would have dremaed of. I have had soem pretty cool experiences I wouldn't trade for anythign, and I have accomplished things I never thought I would. Most of all I am thhnakful for the people I love andthe people who have proven to be good friends to me. You mean so much to me. I am so thankful. I could list a list of things and people that would be way to long. I know life isn't alwasy easy, but it could be so much worse and that in itself is enough to be thankful for. I have it so good and I give thanks to God for that, and for all he has done for me. i am thankful that he has provided a way for me, and that he has given me the motivation to live my life to the fullest. As a result I have seen, done, and experienced some things, that a lot of people will never get the chance to.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Freedom of Speech

Ok, so here goes nothing!!!! I have been wanting to write down some thoughts on the recent contoversy here at school of what can and can not be said. I am not even sure I know what to say myself. I just felt liek I should. Recently it has been debated whether Norwich University should be able to limit some of the things written and produced and said by their students, specifically online. I think that this is outrageous even if it is within their right to do so. On the other hand I am ready to accept some of their concerns in this area. Several Norwich officials have become upset by things posted by students on Facebook as well as Myspace and even on personal blogs similar to this one. So what is wrong with voicing your opinion? Well, first I will say some legitimate concerns voiced by the school. When commants and things become degrading to a person or group of people or when they become threatening this is a good reason to try and limit speech. Recently they have seen some of this. It is a legitimate reason for concern especially when they are included at all as having a connection with the school, even if that is just that fact that they go there. If this is the case, well then fine maybe we shoudl be thinkign abotu restricting what people say. I have no problem admiting that this is well within their rights as a private college.
Here is what worries me. Why are they truly tryign to limit it? I have seriously come to question whether the reasons stated above truly are why. I have notice that soem of the sites/ groups being noted as possibly being censored are simply people voicing complaints against the school. Some are open forums for legitimate issues which the school should be made aware of. The internet is free to the world, and therefore people have every right to write there what they want. They need to simply realize that equal to this, what they right could be used against them in the future. For instance students have every right to post and discuss problems with the school, but say int the future they wanted to get a job with the school or say even working with someone closely connected with the school it could become a road block to them getting hired. The balance goes both ways. As a result Norwich is wrong to limit what students say simply because they do not like it. For instance I am entitled to my opinions that the Corp of Cadets is goign down hill and becoming weak and that the school is becoming increasingly civilian in all aspects and stretching away form its military traditions. I have no problem saying that they are legitimate complaints that I can back up with arguments. So if this is what the school wants to limit they have no real right, and even if they do it goes against they principles they are training men and women to protect. Years form now I could be fighting somewhere to defend the rights of protesters and men and women who burn the flag. So should I not have the right to complain or to voice disgust against things I do not support, like sharing the UP with civilian students. As far the letter written by that civilian girl who said that Katrina and 911 were covenient excuses for Bush to spread his ideas, well as much as I hate what she said, she had every right to say it. On the other hand anyone who disagrees with her has every right to say so, provided it does not come to personal insults and threats. I wish people woudl stop feeling sorry for her though, because so many people have taken the time to speak out against her. They have evry right and she shoudl have though about what she was saying before she said it. People have the right to argue the rediculousness of her argument and to make fun of it. Make fun of her argument not of her, because doing that is enough to make her feels stupid. So in conclusion, with freedom of speech comes responsibility, so you people who are mindless enough to threaten or make fun of someone personally need to realize this. You have the right to say what you want, but remember why you have that right, and that abusing it goes against the whoel point of having it. As far as Norwich, maybe they need to spend less time trying to restrict the freedom of their students and mroe time educting them to use them properly. As far as people voicing legitimate arguments about the school, they ought to have the right. Norwich would be wise to listen to its student population and take in what we have tto say with an open mind. It doesn't mean they have to do it, but they coudl definitely learn somethig form it. You are nto perfect by any means, and you are only making matter worse by threatening to censor students.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Labor Day 2006